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USER: Sánchez Sambonino Family

DESIGN: Arqs. Pablo Cevallos, María José Ochoa.

FURNITURE DESIGN: Arq. María José Ochoa.

WORK RESIDENCE: Arqs. Pablo Cevallos, María José Ochoa, Galo Benavides, Luis Felipe Flores

MASONRY: Master Mario Criollo, Teachers: Manuel Jaya, Felipe Coral, Javier Olovache, Pablo Olovache, Julio Chillagana, Victor Lema, Marcelo Cadernas, Freddy Lema, Alex Castillo, Kevin Cóndor, Marco Pineda, Fernando Olovache, Geovani Mollitaxi, Fernando Chuquimarca , Mario Ango, Mateo Cujo, Brayan Alvan.

PLUMBING: Teachers: Erick Paredes, Edilberto Solórzano.

ELECTRICIAN: Mr. Victor Paucar

CARPENTRY: Srs: Roberto Montenegro, Silvia Proaño.

PAINTER: Master Fernando Muñoz

FIBROCEMENTO: Master Hugo Quintana.

GLASSES: Mr. Patricio Medina.

CERAMIQUERO: Teachers: Aureliano Troche, Roberto Defaz.

METAL WORK: Teachers: Miguel Viracucha, Juan Pérez (Structure)


PHOTOGRAPHY: JAG Studio and Pablo Cevallos.

The project is located in the parish of "La Merced" in El Valle de los Chillos on the outskirts of Quito.

The project was built in a first stage by its owners without professional advice, causing various construction, structural and cost problems. When taking the project, the previous construction had to be evaluated and on that structure, begin to design and articulate the project. The first stage of the project was the support building that was under construction. The function room was a 30-year-old construction like a warehouse.

The existing structure was used in both buildings and the design and construction was made from it.


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