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Architectural Vaccine

HIGHLY COMMENDED / 2do Lugar Concurso Isolation Transformed. World Architecture Festival 2020. Lisboa - Portugal.

Resultados Concurso:

Presentación: Architectural Vaccine.


Arq. March. Pablo Cevallos Cisneros.

Arq. March. PhD. Vinicio Velásquez.

Kenji Kogushi

Traducción y Voz: Lic. Estefanía Palacios Narváez.

This proposal aims to use spaces of the city that have been ignored, and that are close to our homes and workplace. We propose a new layer of the city, which is originated from the use of light structures, that provides a better space for the community and the individuals. Moreover, this can be presented as a solution in order to have open air spaces during isolation and social distancing.

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